Your go-to-guide for everything you need to know about the British YouTuber PJ Liguori also known as KickThePJ.
When and where was PJ born?
December 11, 1990,
Peterborough, England
What is his most popular video?
What else do I need to know about PJ Liguori?
PJ Liguori is a not only a video blogger but also a filmmaker. His contributions to his short films most often consist of the multi-talents of writing screenplay, directing, song writing, producing, editing, sound, costume, and soundtrack. His most notable work is the comedy fantasy web series Oscar’s Hotel for Fantastical Creatures. In July 2016, his main channel (KickThePJ) reached 1 million subscribers.
What are his social media links?
Facebook: KickThePj
Twitter: kickthepj
Instagram: kickthepj